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Cambridge World Inc
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Cokin star filters will create as many stars as there are light sources in your picture. You can achieve sparkle from city lights, birthday candles, stage projectors, or reflections off water, metal or glass. Star filters are most effective against dark backgrounds. Their effect can be reinforced by combining with color, graduated or sunset filters. Available in 2, 4, 8 & 16 point stars as well as a 'softstar' effect. 6 Point Star Filter 055 8 Point Star Filter 056 4 Point Star Filter 057 2 Point Star Filter A058 Softstar Filter 05

  • You can find the English user guide below. see product details. Please note that the original settings may be different from those normally used in England (e.g. language, time and currency). The manufacturer's guarantee for this product may be different from that which is usually offered with products sold in the UK.
  • This product cannot be configured to work in the UK. The Channel pre-selection and automatic channel programming features may not work.

Cokin A055 Filter, A, Star

Regular price $9.95
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Cokin star filters will create as many stars as there are light sources in your picture. You can achieve sparkle from city lights, birthday candles, stage projectors, or reflections off water, metal or glass. Star filters are most effective against dark backgrounds. Their effect can be reinforced by combining with color, graduated or sunset filters. Available in 2, 4, 8 & 16 point stars as well as a 'softstar' effect. 6 Point Star Filter 055 8 Point Star Filter 056 4 Point Star Filter 057 2 Point Star Filter A058 Softstar Filter 05

  • You can find the English user guide below. see product details. Please note that the original settings may be different from those normally used in England (e.g. language, time and currency). The manufacturer's guarantee for this product may be different from that which is usually offered with products sold in the UK.
  • This product cannot be configured to work in the UK. The Channel pre-selection and automatic channel programming features may not work.
Cokin A055 Filter, A, Star
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